resource type: video
Brooks and Joy's Mission Trip to South Manila - New Church Launch
Brooks and Joy's Mission Trip to South Manila - Philippines to assist the team in launching a new church
Video 1: from the airport, passing out community flyers, Typhoon Glenda community cleanup, day after first service de-briefing.
Video 2: Saddleback Manila launches! 1600 in attendance (this after typhoon glenda goes through on Wed that knocked out electricty and water over much of the area) which led to 57 decisions for Christ! 94 indicated they wanted to help.
Video 3: team meeting with the pastor Narry, getting rice bags for typhoon relief ready for distribution, osteoperosis clinic for the community - we did hula, ukeleles and Daniel Plan Instruction.
Video 4: on the way to the Women's Prison - church office photos.
Video 5: to the Correctional Insititute for Women - where 35 women experienced new life in Christ through baptism!
Video 6: neighborhoods, santa domingo elderly community center where we distributed rice to help out because of typhoon glenda, patio ukelele at church service's barbeque.
Video 7: one more church is launched!
Thank you! God blessed us with your partnership!